JPFO works to destroy so-called "gun control" (code words for disarming innocent people), exposing misguided notions that lead people to seek so-called "gun control," and we encourage Americans to understand and defend all the Bill of Rights for all citizens.
While 'Gun Control' Plays Theatrics, Firearm Industry Pursues Real Solutions for Safer CommunitiesBy Larry Keane. Mar 10, 2025'Gun control' group Giffords is calling, "Lights. Camera. Action!" The group bent on restricting Constitutional rights put out an all-call for theater pitches to highlight criminal firearm misuse. [...] |
Opinion: Should firearms background check system be abolished?By Dan Wos. Mar 7, 2025To some people, firearm background checks are accepted and considered a way to prevent bad guys from getting guns. They're completely wrong, and here's why. [...] |
OPINION: It's Not About the 'Easy Availability of Guns'By Dave Workman. Mar 5, 2025A Pew Research survey published last July revealed, among other things, that 61 percent of Americans believe it is "too easy to legally obtain a gun in this country," which invariably provides an arguing point for the anti-gunners... [...] |
Republicans ready to take aim at gun regulationsBy Frank Miniter. Mar 3, 2025Despite committee votes, resolutions and fiery speeches, pro-gun rights lawmakers last Congress were stymied when it came to rolling back Biden-era firearm regulations. [...] |
What DOGE Should Do To The ATFBy Frank Miniter. Feb 28, 2025If Joe Biden had gotten his way, the firearms manufacturers he called "the enemy" would have been reduced to only serving the government, gun stores would have been regulated into extinction... [...] |
Anti-Gun "Researchers" Face Harsh RealityFrom NRA-ILA. Feb 26, 2025The reelection of President Trump is already paying great dividends for the Second Amendment, even at this early stage. Beyond the obvious jettisoning of the most anti-gun administration to ever occupy the White House... [...] |
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