Meet The "Gang"

NEW - Read
David T. Hardy on the FOPA, a PDF on the Firearm Owners' Protection Act.
View "The Gang" movie trailer!
Buy a copy of "The Gang" from the JPFO store
Why did we make this film? See our "Boot the BATFE" page!
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We had a question from someone who wanted to know who supported Thomas Dodd and the 1968 Gun Control Act.
Go to this Google.Books link - and read page 58.

It’s time to take JPFO’s "Boot
the BATFE" campaign to a fiercer, more gutwrenching level.
Announcing an upcoming video documentary from JPFO Productions: The Gang: How a Government Agency Uses the Law to Destroy Your Rights and Freedoms, an hour-long video documentary will show:
- A brief history of the BATFE, with emphasis on its racist origins and ongoing racism.
- Documentary evidence that the Gun Control Act of 1968 (one of the major laws the BATFE enforces) was based on Nazi law and Nazi legal concepts.
- Video proof that the BATFE tried to frame an American gun owner with federal felony charges by attempting to call a malfunctioning semi-automatic rifle an "illegal machine gun".
- Documentary evidence that the BATFE is incompetent to carry out one of its primary tasks, the classification of weapons.
- Interviews with abused gun owners and manufacturers. We are also trying to get a BATFE whistle-blower or former agent to go on camera to give an insider’s view of BATFE corruption and ineptitude.
- Finally, a Second Amendment lawyer will reveal how Congress and the BATFE routinely misuse the interstate commerce clause to control gun ownership and persecute firearms owners.
NOTE: - The Gang Movie web site is no longer available.

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