October 16th 2012
This powerful JPFO production documentary is a 'must see'. It runs almost one hour and shows how governments have historically deprived people of firearms ... and then wiped them from the face of the earth. It has been available at $29.95 ppd for some time from the JPFO store.
We would like to announce a time limited special offer on this outstanding DVD such that you can now purchase one copy for just $19.95 or two copies for $35.90, postage paid. Along with your order you will also receive bonus items -- a copy of the 2A Today for the USA DVD, our award-winning documentary, as well as two
Gran'pa Jack booklets -- #1 which is "Gun Control" Kills Kids! and #7 - Do Gun Prohibitionists Have a Mental Problem? We'll also include our "Gun Control is NOT kosher" bumper sticker.
Note: - Other specials still available include -- "The Gang DVD" -- Buy one copy for just $18.00 (plus bumper sticker) or buy 2 for $24.50 (plus free copy of 'BATFE Fails the Test' and a bumper sticker - all postpaid.)
Bill of Rights or Bust video - buy two copies for just $24.95 incl ppd or just a single copy now for $15.00 ppd.
The Mitzvah book, special offer! Buy one copy for just $8.00 or buy 2 for $13.95 - postpaid.
The Gran'pa Jack booklet collection - All now just $1.99 each except #3, at $2.99
Yours in Freedom, The Liberty Crew at JPFO
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"