A possible contributing factor to America's enduring debate over gun rights may be the fact that a large portion of the country's voters have little first-hand or accurate knowledge of the issue.
A new ScottRasmussen.com national survey shows that 46% of voters do not own a gun, nor does anyone in their family. The same survey shows that 42% of voters have never even fired a gun.
And for those with no family member who owns a gun, 79% say it's unlikely they will ever own one in the future (see question wording and crosstab results).
Party identity plays a big role in these results. For example, 57% of Democrats responding to the survey say neither they nor anyone in their family owns a gun. An almost equal number of Republican voters (58%) so either they or their family members do own a gun.
This national survey of 1,001 Registered Voters was conducted October 11-12, 2018 for ScottRasmussen.com by HarrisX, a leading research company specializing in online surveys (see Methodology). The Margin of Error is +/- 3.1 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.
Some might consider a sample of 1,001 to be too small but even so, there is a distinct trend to be seen. It is perhaps not too surprising that those on the right tend to be the gun owners as well as being much better informed, compared with those on the left who are more concerned with control. It is also there in particular where education is lacking as well as adherence to the Constitution.
(Our thanks to gungoals.com for writing a summary about us on their site which can help inform people about JPFO.)
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Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
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