The recent past has been striking:
These events happened very rapidly and it begs the question: Who will be the next platform to ban gun-related content? Instagram? Google Search? Amazon? Alexa? Email? Don't be fooled: There will be a next platform.
On the surface these seem like isolated events...
The gradual increase in anti-gun agenda with various internet platforms has become concerning to say the least. Of course in most cases, like with the major portion of the mainstream media, exposure is willingly given to anti-gun groups in order to further their cause. The big companies seem ever more prone to trample on rights as well as opinions that do not 'fit' - all part of today's Orwellian trends.
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Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
12500 NE 10th Pl.
Bellevue, WA 98005 USA
"America's most aggressive defender of civil rights"
We make the NRA look like moderates