The Second Amendment has been under fire for several decades. Although the Supreme Court has recently shored up the amendment's status as an individual right against government prohibition--most famously in District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) and McDonald v. Chicago (2010)--the Constitution's "right to keep and bear arms" still faces hostility from the intelligentsia.
In a recent op-ed at, Independent Institute Senior Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook, author of several books on the history of gun rights and restrictions, slays the claim that the Second Amendment was created to protect slavery.
The claim, spelled out twenty years ago by Prof. Carl T. Bogus (!) in the U.C. Davis Law Review and repeated last May in a New York Times op-ed, ignores mountains of evidence.
For a more detailed piece, see The Second Amendment Had Nothing to Do with Slavery. "The historical injustice is that even after the Constitution's ratification, African-Americans were denied fundamental rights that others enjoyed, including the right to arm themselves to protect their lives and liberties."
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