June 29 marked the end of the Third Review Conference (RevCon) of the United Nations' Programme of Action (PoA) on Small Arms and Light Weapons. Delegates at the conference, including representatives of the United States, worked on producing updates to the global gun-control agreement.
According to the text of the latest draft of the agreement, the PoA will serve as an "international instrument to enable states to identify and trace, in a timely and reliable manner" the small arms and light weapons that are the target of the scheme.
In practice, this means that the governments of member nations (including the United States) should create a massive, all-inclusive database of all parties that manufacture, own, sell, trade, or transfer arms and ammunition.
If recent history is a reliable indicator of how such data would be used, after the catalog is complete, Congress could, hypothetically, pass a law (or the president would issue an executive order) compelling "voluntary" surrender of whatever privately-owned weapons, ammo, parts, and components (including reloading equipment) the UN deems "illicit." If, after a statutorily set window, citizens don't turn in these now-illicit items to their local law enforcement, then officers will be sent to remind violators of their responsibility under the law to disarm.
The delegates -- including those from the United States -- present at the PoA planning meeting have agreed to begin developing domestic legal frameworks that will provide for the "proper management of small arms and light weapons stockpiles."
You are encouraged to read the full piece - it is lengthy but usefully detailed. Also download the final draft of the report and see what you make of it. As a great many are agreed, it is long past time the U.S. got out of the UN, which seeks to interfere with this republic and citizen's rights - if the "blue hats" were to ever set foot in this country of ours to try and implement such a plan it is not hard to imagine just what might follow.
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