Michigan Concealed Pistol License holders have an extremely low Murder rate.
Japan has a very low murder rate. Japan is also a very law abiding culture.
The United States, as a whole, has a much higher murder rate than Japan. Within the United States there is a law abiding culture that has a murder rate as low as Japan's. That culture consists of gun owners who carry guns legally.
In Michigan, the State Police are tasked with compiling crimes committed by people who have the Michigan Concealed Pistol License (CPL). The State Police Reports are available from 2003 to early 2017. The state police reports list convictions of people for murder, manslaughter and negligent homicide, as well as a multitude of other offenses. From 2003 to 2017, there are 14 years of reports listing criminal convictions.
Criminal homicides are the most reliable crime statistics to track, and the most important for comparisons with other societies. While there are significant differences in definitions, reporting, and recording of crimes from nation to nation, criminal homicides are more reliable than other crime statistics.
In the 14 years of Michigan annual police reports, there are 17 criminal homicide convictions recorded by the Michigan State Police (MSP), for people who had CPLs.
While just an example from one state, it goes a long way to disprove the anti's common paranoia that carry of a firearm by law abiding people is a risk for more crime. Nothing could be further from the truth. 17 carry homicides by legal carry people over 14 years? Hardly an epidemic. Of course, there should still be way more states that have "Constitutional Carry" - there should be no permits required for excercizing your Constitutional rights.
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