The New Year, as with every year, will require vigilance on the part of Liberty-lovers. In particular, we expect the Second Amendment will remain under assault by those who claim to love safety. Much of that assault comes from a dishonest Leftmedia propaganda machine dedicated to advancing Democrat policies of gun control. What better way to do that than to fill papers, airwaves, TV news and websites full of fake news meant to scare people? Courtesy of Emily Miller, author of Emily Gets Her Gun, here are a few such stories from 2017.
Some stories are spun from pure ignorance, which is, unfortunately, typical of those who would regulate firearms they know nothing about. Whether it's New York's Carolyn McCarthy spouting off about barrel shrouds, or former Press Secretary Josh Earnest being unable to define an "assault weapon," ignorance somehow becomes policy preference.
Hilariously, Miller recalls USA Today's infamous list of accessories for AR-15s. That list, published after the Texas church shooting, included a "chainsaw bayonet," which spawned a whole slew of parodies like our own. Incredibly, USA Today's article still has not been corrected.
We probably face yet another year with skewed media reporting and general anti-freedom bias, but it is and will be important to keep track. Ignorance must be countered with education and "fake news" must be balanced by the truth. Some things in 2017 were good news for the Second Amendment but there is much work yet to be done to preserve our rights.
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