February 3rd 2015
Once again, we see proposals for 'smart guns', with little thought given to their potential for abject failure. It is a subject we have covered several times, such as "Skyfall Gun" and "Intelligun Threat". In the end, the conclusion is they are neither very 'smart' nor going to save lives - possibly quite the opposite.
Gun control activists in Washington state are launching a new campaign aimed at pushing smart guns, which are, essentially, a type of gun with safety dictated by technology.
Some smart guns are only operable within ten feet of a companion watch, presumably on the owner's wrist. Some only unlock with a unique fingerprint, like your iPhone 5 or 6. Some can be disabled with a timer or a pin code.
The message around smart guns is that they will make people safer. If only the registered person can use the smart gun, a gun theft is less meaningful, some kid who accidentally picks up a gun can't use it, a depressed person can't steal a gun and use it to kill himself or herself......... -->
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