Guns DO NOT Murder People:
Criminals Do! Statistics on Violence,
Gun Ownership, and 'Gun Control'

By Tom Grieve. July 9, 2023

According to a 2017 pew research study, urban counties in America are overwhelmingly democrat at 62% of residents identifying as democrat while 31% say they are republican, the suburbs are nearly a toss up and vary from one metropolitan area and election cycle to the next, and the rural counties fall heavily republican by a margin of 54% to 38%. So in short, Cities are democrat by about a 31% gap, which is about 2:1 democrat to republican, while rural areas are republican by much smaller but still significant 16% gap.

According to a 2020 Gallup poll, about 50% of republicans surveyed said that they owned guns. This is compared to 29% of independents and 18% of democrats who reported owning a gun.

Another study from 2017 confirms this by citing that about 60% of the rural homes own a gun, 40% of suburban homes own a gun, while 28% of urban homes own a gun. So we can safely say: there are more guns by population outside of cities rather than inside of them.


Contents of this video:

0:00 - Intro
0:24 - Guns do not Murder People Introduction
2:22 - 2017 FBI Study
3:29 - Law of Crime Concentration
4:07 - Murder Rates in Washington, D.C. & United States
5:01 - Chicago Murder Rates
5:42 - Two Key Points
6:09 - England & Wales Homicide Rates
7:36 - Nations Highest Levels of Gun Ownership Rates
7:51 - Nations Highest Homicide Rates Per Capita
10:05 - Quote of the Day


National Institute of Justice Study

FBI Crime Research Table

Pew Research on Political Affiliation vs. Where Someone Lives

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Attorney Tom Grieve is a former state criminal prosecutor from Wisconsin before eventually founding what is now the state's largest criminal defense firm at more than 20 attorneys. In 2019 the firm expanded into family law and added a dedicated team of professionals to further serve clients with similar aggressive and proven strategies.


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