Jaleel Stallings mug shot after arrest and beating by Minneapolis Police.
Stallings was found not guilty after firing at police in self defense.
Jaleel Stallings mug shot after arrest and beating by Minneapolis Police. Stallings was found not guilty after firing at police in self defense.
A paper published in the Psychology of Violence is interesting because of what it did not find. The paper did not find any correlation between legally carrying a gun and four psychopathic measures. The four facets are "affective" (lack of empathy), "interpersonal" (manipulative), "lifestyle" (impulsive), and "antisocial". "Carry a weapon sometimes for protection" is defined in the four measures as "antisocial". When carrying a gun for protection is defined as "antisocial", it is unsurprising the paper found correlation between illegally carrying a gun and the "antisocial" trait. This is an example of circular reasoning.
The paper found carrying a gun, both legally and illegally were correlated to firing a gun in self defense. Carrying a gun illegally was more strongly correlated to firing a gun in self defense.
The paper is titled: Psychopathy, Gun Carrying, and Firearm Violence. it was published by the American Psychological Association (APA) in the publication, Psychology of Violence. It was published for the first time online on August 22, 2024. The authors are Sophie L. Kjærvik and Nicholas D. Thomson. The paper is seven pages long.