Matt Rourke/AP
When on stage near former President Donald Trump (R) at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, Elon Musk said, "The Second Amendment is there to protect the First Amendment. As soon as the government can disarm the people, they can do anything they want."
The audience, which extended well beyond the capacity of the cameras, roared in approval.
The mainstream media, which sardonically (or is it sarcastically?) includes Comedy Central, used their media outlets to jeer.
Jon Stewart, host of The Daily Show on Comedy Central, tried to dismantle this basic truth by saying, "Guns don't protect our free speech. Our free speech is protected by the consent of the governed laid out through the Constitution."
As the Second Amendment is, to be specific, the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which was included as part of the U.S. Bill of Rights by the consent of the "governed," this statement falls back upon itself.