This correspondent has engaged on various Internet forums. There are always people who do not want to do things, are unwilling to engage, who think they can hide from the government. They say they do not want to (pick your action); get a carry permit; sign a petition; purchase ammunition from a store, join a state or local action group; buy a gun from a dealer; or others because:
They Do Not Want to Be on a List.
The problem with this is:
99.9% of us are on multiple lists, whether we want to be or not.
There are a few people who do not own telephones, who are not on the power grid, who do not subscribe to magazines or read things on the Internet, or buy stuff with credit or debit cards. They are very, very few. They are ineffective politically or in a conflict. The digital shackles we have accepted are ubiquitous and encompassing. There is, essentially, no place left to hide, and no place left to run. Either we win this fight for limited government and the rule of law politically, we lose by becoming engaged in some sort of civil war, or we lose everywhere because there isn't any place left to run.