10 Concealed Carry Facts And
The Data To Support Them

By Elizabeth Bienas. July 18, 2023

If you’re a gun owner, you probably already know that good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns. Although the media rarely talks about it, we know it happens. It turns out these incidents are vastly underreported, even according to official government data.

In the fall of 2022, Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) released a report showing massive errors in the FBI’s Active Shooting Reports. The FBI claims that only 4.4 percent of mass shootings are stopped by an armed civilian, while CPRC data show this number is much higher at 34.4 percent.

According to the CPRC, out of 360 active shooter incidents between 2014 and 2021, 124 were stopped by armed citizens. For reference, the FBI reported 252 active shooter incidents during the same period but stated only 11 were stopped by armed citizens.

Gary Mauser, an emeritus professor at Simon Fraser University in Canada, says, "Whether deliberately through bias or just incompetence, the FBI database of active shooters cannot be trusted." It seems our long-held instinct that armed good guys can stop armed bad guys holds true. .....


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