When I first started learning and teaching gun safety over 55 years ago, I remember first learning the many cardinal rules of gun safety. I remember them being emphasized and required by the NRA, the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the Second Amendment Foundation, Gun Owners of America, the U.S. Air Force, the National Police Association, and several other law enforcement, military, and gun safety organizations. Below are just a few of the gun safety rules.
Selected Gun Safety Rules
• When picking up a gun, make sure it is unloaded and do a proper safety check
• Visually & physically inspect the chamber to know its operational status for yourself
• Treat every gun as if it is loaded with ammunition and can fire at any time
• Be absolutely certain you have identified your target and what is beyond it
• Never point a gun at anything you do not intend to destroy
Mandatory Gun Rules and Safety Protocols Are For Everyone
Most gun aficionados and professionals thoroughly know the gun rules and protocols, can quote them verbatim, and practice them often. But, of course, some do not and need proper training and education about them. I have found first-hand that many gun-control advocates and criminals involved in deadly-force crimes using a gun do not know (and some do not care about knowing) the proper gun safety rules and protocols and how they affect the safety of others.
Of course, those of us with the necessary gun-safety training and who have experienced the deadly results of unsafe gun handling and use know that before handling and using any gun, everyone should perform a proper Safety Check for themselves (no matter who just checked the gun a minute ago or told us it is safe.) There are really no gun accidents, but only NEGLIGENCE in gun handling and operation. Unintentional injuries and deaths are often called "accidents," implying that nothing could be done to stop them from happening. However, gun deaths and injuries are absolutely preventable.
By now most people have learned of this tragic event, which was totally avoidable. Opinion on this includes analysis and safety factors - the latter being for a lot of gun owners perhaps just another "preaching" about what they already know but, when it comes to safety it is never too much to be reminded about. Complacency can be a killer.