In a piece published by Fox35Orlando immediately prior to the Biden inauguration it was reported that people in search of ammunition are facing even an uphill battle.
People started lining up in front of the door at Academy Sports + Outdoors in Lake Mary as early as 2 a.m. on Monday waiting for the doors to open at 9 a.m.
When FOX 35 News asked several of those in line what they were waiting for, they all answered "ammo."
And with perfect timing, several people in my social media feed have been posting pictures of long lines at gun and sporting goods stores across the country. All those lines are ammo-focused and in some you can clearly see the abysmally small pile of available ammo in the background.
Yes, demand and frenzy for ammunition has escalated with the inauguration:
IPerkinson [owner of Volusia Top Gun] added that, since the pandemic hit, sales have been up 100% and every day feels like "Black Friday." However, he said the last two weeks, it's been a "zoo."
"I could have done 300% more if I had the inventory. I'm turning away a lot of people just for lack of inventory," Perkinson explained.
Apparently some of the guys waiting in line for ammunition see no issue with with telling mainstream media journalists, well, everything:
As always, supply and demand remain interrelated but unfortunately this can predictably open the door to price gouging and profiteering. Think back to the absurd early Covid stockpiling of toilet paper, which demonstrated the selfishness of the buying public - much the same has happened with ammunition as greedy people attempt to panic-buy large quantities that only exacerbates the problem. Probably it is sadly predictable.