Opinion by Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen
While our country has been trapped in a political-election-nightmare, one thing has remained the same, Democrats want more gun-control laws. And Republicans will eventually, reluctantly, cave to the hysterical demand to "do something."
Anne Stave, a reporter with the Columbus Dispatch, reminded her readers of the anniversary of the mass murder outside the Ned Pepper's Bar in Dayton. In August of 2019, an assailant murdered 9 people and wounded 27 people in 32 seconds. In August of 2020, she complained, "Ohio laws haven't changed a bit."
Sheila Blanchard, the aunt of a victim, explains the "do something" side of America's gun debate. She said, "Sometimes I don't understand why they can't feel the pain we feel, because if they did – just for 60 seconds – there wouldn't be any gun safety bills dying on their desks while people continue to die in the streets."
Under the pressure of these unbearable losses, Ohio Governor Mike De Wine (R), said, "We owe it to the victims. We owe it to the families and to all Ohioans to finish the job and get this done."
Gun owners are not unfeeling of the 'pain' that victims' families feel, as many have also felt pain. They do accept the implication that we must 'do something, do anything,' though we do know that most laws, and such, will be ineffective. We grit our teeth and accept a new law or rule that throws us farther down that slippery slope, to a disarmed society. And the gun controllers cheer their little victory.
"The Black Market is ubiquitous. It will always serve people who want restricted goods or services. And when firearms are restricted, people want them, both non-criminal and criminal. Each little law contributes to the strength of the Black Market."