JPFO presents the important video record of the conference content,
which can be watched on this dedicated page.
"It was the biggest gathering of gun rights activists in the world," said Alan Gottlieb, founder and executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation, in the aftermath of the 35th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference, held entirely online for the first time in history.
The event was viewed by well over 300,000 gun rights activists across the country on multiple platforms, and more than 4,100 people pre-registered for the event, which shatters all previous records, Gottlieb reported. He said it would be impossible to get an exact count of all the people who watched because several groups held "Watch Parties" attended by many people watching the program on large screens.
There were about 120 speakers covering topics from state legislative affairs to the growing interest in firearms ownership by women. Several attorneys specializing in Second Amendment cases weighed in with reports on what has been happening, and what may be on the horizon. Several journalists, radio talk hosts and bloggers offered suggestions on how grassroots activists could cultivate better relations with the media, and there were discussions about invasive gun control and gun rights internationally.
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