As the saying goes, "If at first you don't succeed, try and try again." Democratic New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy is taking the mantra to a new level by proposing "stronger 'gun control'" in the Garden State. This time, he's using the COVID-19 pandemic to raise taxes on law-abiding gun owners and those wishing to exercise their Second Amendment rights.
Gov. Murphy has tried his best during the crisis to penalize lawful gun owners, but now it will be up to the state legislature to approve or reject his new antigun proposals. New Jersey residents shouldn't hold their breath as antigun Democrats control both chambers by wide margins.
'Gun Control' for You is Nothing New
More 'gun control' has been a pillar for Gov. Murphy since he took office in 2018. In his first two years in office, he pushed for and signed into law 10 more-stringent gun control laws in a state already known for having some of the strictest gun laws in the country. In 2020, the spreading coronavirus pandemic gave him an opportunity to do even more, and he didn't delay.
Nearly 5 million Americans became so concerned for their safety and that of their loved ones and property that purchased a firearm for the first time. The reasons were all around us. Reports of local law enforcement becoming stretched thin, criminals being released from jails and quickly committing violent crimes again, and now more recently violent riots and looting in cities and cries of "defund the police" have increased.
As if NJ wasn't already blatently anti 2A, Gov. Murphy proposes draconian tax hikes on numerous firearms oriented matters. It is despicable that he wants to add (even) more disincentive to people wishing to not only purchase firearms but also drastically increasing the cost of a carry permit, which in itself should not even be required. For those on limited means in particular, these measures would act effectively almost like an actual gun ban - it is beyond despicable.