Today, the Virginia Governor Ralph 'Coonman' Northam suffered a humiliating defeat in his effort to politically exploit the Virginia Beach spree killing. He called the legislature to a special session to consider a host of radical gun control measures in an effort to capitalize on a tragedy and make some political hay in an election year.
Of course, the Demanding Moms also turned out to show their support for re-creating past tyrannies with their support for gun control. And the Virginia Citizens Defense League called out gun owners to oppose Northam's political theater.
WVIR covered the story:
Advocates for gun control and for gun rights showed up at the State Capitol Tuesday to represent their cause as the General Assembly meets for a special session to discuss gun control.
After a Virginia Beach city employee shot and killed 12 people on May 31, Northam ordered the special session, calling for passage of a wide range of gun-control measures. The session got underway Tuesday.
Yes, the special session did get underway today. And barely two hours later, the legislature adjourned until November, handing Northam a humiliating political defeat.
To say that Northam's ten long list of anti-gun measures was extreme might be understating the case. This was planned as somewhat of a 'knee-jerk' reaction following the 6/1/19 mass murder inside the Virginia Beach municipal building - that providing an ideal 'excuse' for trying to implement draconian gun law changes. Nothing that was proposed would have done anything to prevent the massacre.