JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027
Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
December 6, 2005
Give BATFE the Boot!
We gun owners routinely say to one another that we have the "right" to keep and bear arms. Honestly, though: what kind of "right" do we have if we are afraid to use it? There is one federal agency whose job is to instill fear into gun owners and dealers. That agency is BATFE, and it has always relied on our fear (see our BATFE archive at
But now there's good news. JPFO, in conjunction with courageous gun-maker Len Savage, has literally taken on this dangerous, vindictive federal agency. We have had encouraging successes, and now we must now take it to the next level.
JPFO is instituting a new "Boot the BATFE" campaign. We plan to run large ads in influential national media to "wake up the choir" and get gun owners roaring. We must tell gun owners that, after all these terrible decades of abuse, a handful of crusaders have put the BATFE on the run - and that it's now up to all of us to pursue the BATFE with facts, knowledge, and courage until it is dismantled and no longer a terror to American gun owners.
These ads will cost $1,000 to $2,000 or more - each, but they will deliver facts to educate and enlist more gun owners to help. Through this campaign, we will sound a ringing wake-up call to action.
Please visit to learn more about "BOOT THE BATFE." You can donate directly toward the campaign at . You can also help us by purchasing our new "Boot the BATFE" t-shirts from our online store ( These t-shirts give BATFE a whole new meaning! As a bonus, with each t-shirt, you'll get a FREE "Boot the BATFE" lapel pin ($9.95 value)! Limited quantity, so act today!
This is your fight. This is the fight for the rights of all firearms owners in America. Please contact us today and contribute what you can. If we run out of funds, we'll have to quit and BATFE will win. Your financial support is crucial to give this rogue agency the boot.
If we don't boot the BATFE, you can bet someday they'll boot YOU.
- The Liberty Crew
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