JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027Phone (800) 869-1884
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April 9, 2002 Anti-Semitic Violence Increases: Jews Remain Passive
A wave of major, violent attacks against Jews and Jewish institutions continued in the year 2001 and is growing worse in 2002. So says an annual study of global anti-Semitism released on April 8, one day before Holocaust Remembrance Day (
The director of the Israeli institute that released the report stated, "Judging by the past, we may expect a continued intensification of anti-Semitism. ... These incidents have a significant effect on the way of life of Jewish communities, progressively increasing an atmosphere of unease and insecurity among them."
In France, where the worst anti-Jewish violence outside of the Middle East is taking place, schools and synagogues have been burned, Torah scrolls desecrated, Jewish cemeteries vandalized, and Jews attacked in the streets -- just as they were 50 years ago under Nazi rule.
And what do most Jews, Jewish community leaders, Jewish journalists, commentators, and columnists suggest Jews do to protect themselves?
Hold rallies. Wring their hands. Bleet like sheep. Use fear to raise more funds. Write more reports. Get more media coverage about their perpetual victimhood.
In short, nothing effective.
What most Jews and their leaders are NOT proposing to do is the most rational thing -- and the very thing that Jewish law requires: prepare to defend themselves and their communities. That is, to defend themselves with both arms and attitudes of self-respect.
Well, we say to those self-proclaimed leaders and their passive followers: Quit whimpering. If you aren't willing to do anything to defend your own lives, then you must not think your lives are worth much -- and you can't expect others to value your lives more than you do.
The Talmud, the code of Jewish law, states: "If someone comes to kill you, arise quickly and kill him." Why aren't you prepared to follow that law? Is life dangerous for Jews? Yes -- just as it can be for anyone, only moreso. But the old expression is true: When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Judah Maccabee knew it. He didn't restore the Temple by holding rallies or issuing press releases.
You leaders and Jewish followers: If you're not willing to prepare a defense against a known threat of violence, then perhaps you should call yourselves something other than Jews. Judaism and Jewish tradition are too noble for the likes of such fools, too strong for such passive weaklings. We at Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership have bemoaned the passive -- and historically fatal -- madness of our fellow Jews before:
- In our recent alert "Use Holocaust Remembrance Day to Share the Truth About Nazi Laws" (, we invited anti-gun Jews to read the text of the Nazi "gun-control" law of 1938 and consider why they advocate similar laws for the U.S.
- In our article, "Do Jewish Leaders Want Us All to be Victims?" ( we looked at the noble Jewish warriors from biblical days to World War II and contrasted them with the whiners who pose as Jewish leaders today.
- In "Raging Against Self Defense: A Psychiatrist Examines The Anti-Gun Mentality" (, Dr. Sarah Thompson, M.D. examines some of the reasons that drive anti-gunners (including too many contemporary Jews) to fear and hate the very tools that can protect them.
One whole section of our Web site is devoted to Judiasm and firearms (, and includes a number of analysis from JPFO's rabbinical advisor, R. Mermelstein.
Most of our fellow Jews and virtually all of their self-anointed leaders -- men like Abraham Foxman of the Anti- Defamation League and Elie Wiesel, the world-famed Holocaust survivor and scholar -- aren't paying attention.
They've closed their eyes to the historic and contemporary truth -- that Jews will continue to be victims as long as they encourage and tolerate victimhood.
But to the increasing number of you who are paying attention, we say thank you and congratulations and L'Chaim! -- to life! The choice you've made is the choice to live, to prevail, and to earn respect even from those who hate you.
YOUR choice, not theirs, is the one that puts teeth into the cry of "Never again!"
The Liberty Crew
PS: Jews who support "gun control" would be well advised to read these books:
The State vs The People --
Death by "Gun Control" --
Dial 911 and Die --
Hope --
The Mitzvah --
People who love freedom would be also well advised to read them.
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