JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI, 53027Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
email: webmaster@jpfo.orgFebruary 26, 1998
SOLDIER OF FORTUNE MAGAZINE PRAISES JPFO'S NEW WEB SITE! In the April 1998 issue of "Soldier of Fortune" magazine, on pages 11-12, we find the following Praise:
"Cyberspace defense of the Second Amendment just got a shot in the arm with a bold new web page by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. Gun-control organizations have been unable to figure out just how to respond to JPFO's well documented, straight from the shoulder defense of private firearms ownership and have largely just given up trying. See why by checking out their new web page at or you can contact them by e-mail at"
The article goes on to give contact information for the web master (yours truly) and our Executive Director, Aaron Zelman.
Isn't this interresting. Notice the comment:"Gun control organizations have been unable to figure out just how to respond to JPFO's well documented, straight from the shoulder defense of private firearms ownership AND HAVE LARGELY JUST GIVEN UP TRYING."
Thank you, Soldier of Fortune's Richard Rongstad, for such a truthfull commentary of our foolproof "Anti-Genocide" tools, found on our web site.
Now for the real question. Why is the NRA not using this material if, as is quoted, the opposition largely gives up trying? Seems to me that we have a tool that can win some legislative battles with!! We know of only one National Gun group that uses our material, and that is Gun Owners of America. What about LEAA or CCRKBA?
We have even taken up this very question to the NRA. Go to:
...and again at:
Lets face it, folks. Some gun groups make too much money on "gun control" to really want to destroy "gun control".
Its sad, even tragic, but true. NRA now stands for:
"N"ot "R"elevant "A"nymore.
The battle for public support is being lost. This is all the more worrying given the NRA's outlays of tens of millions - possibly hundreds of millions of YOUR DOLLARS. Existing methods may slow "gun control's" advance. But those methods cannot recover lost ground. Thus, if the NRA actually wants to uproot "gun control" from America, new ideas are needed. JPFO assuredly has no monopoly over those ideas. But we have many new ideas. The NRA has much to gain - and on present trends nothing to lose - by curing itself of the NIH (Not Invented Here) syndrome.
The ball is in your court. If the NRA continues as it has previously done, "gun control" triumphs. This may take time and "gun control" may suffer a few, minor reverses. "Gun control" may be likened to an aggressively malignant cancer. There may be periods of remission. However, in the end, the cancer triumphs. No one treats such a disease with aspirin. Stronger methods are needed.
That is why we have urged the NRA to seek new ideas that can be used to destroy the "gun control" cancer. Time is short. If the NRA truly wants to destroy gun control, the NRA should use some of JPFO's research findings to launch a counter-offensive.
What about you, are you tired of giving YOUR HARD-EARNED DOLLARS to efforts that have at best only slowed the gun-prohibitionists push toward firearms registration and confiscation? If you have had enough of death by a thousand cuts, you are ready to take action to wipe out gun control -- NOW.
Right now, if you become a member of JPFO, you will receive all 3 Gran'pa Jack booklets, and receive the latest JPFO Firearms Sentinel magazine. This is a $15.00 value. But it does not stop here. You will continue to receive your subscription to the JPFO Firearms Sentinel, and receive our anticipated NEW releases of Gran'pa Jack booklets. For more info on Gran'pa Jack booklets, go to:
We are offering all of the above by simply becoming a member of JPFO, which is $20.00 per year. That comes to 0.05 cents per day. Remember, your financial contributions to JPFO are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
To become a member, go to: There you will see a printable member application, along with info on membership. If you wish, you can become a member using our on-line application as well. Membership IS open to ALL Law abiding citizens.
Unless we build a strong membership, and show that "gun-control" is a very evil public policy, "gun-control" will prosper. And the American gun owner will, CEASE TO EXIST.
The NRA as the "sole hope" of gun owners? Why am I increasingly reminded of the Jewish "trustees" who helped the new arrivals off the trains at Auschwitz, muttering soothing reassurances that if the newcomers just followed orders for a little while longer, "everything will be fine"?
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