JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027
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February 10, 2005 More Intellectual Ammunition
JPFO has added more intellectual ammunition to our website!
We've posted two new book reviews by JPFO's Richard W. Stevens. "Outgunned!" by Robert A. Waters and John T. Waters, Jr., chronicles historical incidents in which notorious career criminals were stopped by armed citizens. In "The Battle We Fight," John Longenecker, Jr. explains that firearms ownership and carrying have to do with the private right and duty to protect yourself and your family - and - the right and duty to protect the community by deterring and stopping violent crime.
Next, we're encouraging all firearms enthusiasts to visit Second Amendment advocate David Codrea's website "The War on Guns". Codrea's articles and blog posts are concise and focused on the big picture: gunowners under seige.
We're also happy to announce that our Bren MK-2SA rifle has been sold. Historic Arms, LLC of Franklin, Georgia, created this one-of-a-kind rifle especially for Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, to help raise funds for our award-winning documentary Innocents Betrayed.
Finally, we'd like to take this opportunity to thank our readers for all of their support throughout the years. Because of you, we have the opportunity to present such groundbreaking pro-Second Amendment materials as Innocents Betrayed and the explosive "BATFE Fails the Test" film. Thanks for all you do to support JPFO and the Second Amendment!
- The Liberty Crew
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Visit our Unpopular Speech page as part of your daily net reading. There are over 1,000 articles and essays that will either make your blood boil or give a chill down your spine. Now Searchable! With a New "Index by Author". Bookmark it today:
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