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Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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June 17, 2003 Anybody Still Think The Second Amendment Means What It Says?
Countless times we've heard from well-meaning Americans who advise us that "because the Second Amendment gives us the right to keep and bear arms, then some lawyer should sue the government to stop all this gun control nonsense and to stop violating the people's rights."
Every person who reads this e-mail Alert should click on and read the dramatic story in the following article, entitled "What Any Father Would Do":
Then find out what happened to that man who defended his family against a home invader:
"A Father Is Going To Jail":
The District Attorney who prosecuted the home defender, and the judge who sentenced the defender to jail, are morally bankrupt individuals. Americans in an earlier day would have loudly protested this miscarriage of justice. Knowing that Americans wouldn't stand for it, both the prosecutor and judge would likely never even have considered persecuting this family man for defending his home and his child.
Not anymore, not in New York. "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" does not seem to apply to the public servants there or much of anywhere in the U.S.A.
That's the problem, folks. Americans are allowing injustice and violations of our right to defend self and family.
Sue the judge? Impossible under American law. Sue the prosecutor? Nearly impossible. There is no legal remedy outside of a decision of an appeals court in New York to overturn the conviction.
What do we do?
Change the hearts and minds of Americans. Dramatically. Forcefully. Unforgettably.
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