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May 15, 2003 Memorial Day Letter from Aaron Zelman
In modern America, we observe Memorial Day as a tribute specifically to fallen soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmento those who gave that last full measure of devotion to defend this country in war.
So many military members met their ends in ditches and rice paddies, tanks and bunkers, down below decks in ships or hurtling in aircraft far from their squadrons ... or starving on death marches or succumbing to blood poisoning in POW camps. Few went out in the blaze of glory that John Wayne and Mel Gibson movies sometimes portray.
To those men and women who served and died, and to those who came home injured and scarred, we owe a huge debt of gratitude.
But Memorial Day is also a day to soberly reflect on whether the military sacrifices have been worthwhile ... and to think about what has happened to America. The heroes of World War II came back to America ... but was it the same America that they fought to protect?
Read Aaron Zelman's searching commentary: "You Won the Battle But Lost the War."
It's an open letter to our fathers and grandfathers who stood up against the great killers and the great tyrannies of the 20th Century.
And it is for everyone, young and old. It asks the questions most important on this special day.
Spend just 10 minutes, somewhere between the Memorial Day sales, the picnics and barbecues, and enjoying the day off, to read this open letter.
Click on:
Some of you have read this letter before,as a great darkness shrouds America,it is time read it again.
Do itfor yesterday's heroesand for tomorrow's America.
The Liberty Crew
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