JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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February 20, 2003 Major Pro-2d Amendment Group Joins to Support Innocents Betrayed!
Supporters of JPFO know that maintains the broadest and most diverse pro-Second Amendment website on the planet -- and KABA has pledged to join the Producers' Circle for our film, Innocents Betrayed. KABA's Director, Angel Shamaya confirmed his organization's financial support and we are delighted!
Mr. Shamaya agrees that destroying "gun control" is the program we must follow if we truly want to retain permanently our legal right to keep and bear arms. (Of course we always retain the fundamental right to self defense and to use arms, but the battle now is to keep government from infringing that right).
He is supporting Innocents Betrayed because he can envision the huge benefits that it will bring to the whole RKBA movement. We at JPFO are so proud to announce KABA's support, and we look forward to working with KABA to further publicize the film and show it at local theaters.
Members and supports should thank Mr. Shamaya by clicking on the KABA website:
Send Mr. Shamaya an e-mail thanking him and his organization for this help to bring Innocents Betrayed to completion soon. With KABA and all the other groups that have helped, we know this film will impact this nation and help preserve our precious freedom.
To learn more about Innocents Betrayed, and to see a clip, click on:
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