JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
January 14, 2003 Seeking visuals and documents for "Innocents Betrayed"
FOR "INNOCENTS BETRAYED""Innocents Betrayed," JPFO's ground-breaking documentary demonstrating the link between genocide and citizen disarmament, is well over 50 percent done. We're now starting work on the final segment, called The American Experience.
You may be able to help us -- and get a little "glory" for yourself, as well.
We're looking for a few special photos and documents. For each image used, we'll pay $25 (plus costs of reproduction and mailing) and will list your name among the image providers at the end of the video.
1. The World War II internments of Japanese-, German-, and Italian-Americans.
2. Images of all that's ideal in American life.
We're looking for some very specific items in each area.
We need PERSONAL stories, photos, or documents regarding the internments of the Japanese, Germans, and Italians in America. We can use family portraits of people who were interned, a limited number of personal reminiscences, family letters, and so on.
We do NOT need leads to human-rights groups, the National Archives, museums, the Library of Congress, commercial photo sources, books, etc. We've already exhaustively researched these sources and have gathered dozens and dozens of photos and documents. What we're looking for now are the personal photos and memorabilia of you or your family members.
If you think you can help, please read the section HOW TO SUBMIT MATERIAL, below.
We need high-quality photographs showing those things that Americans yearn toward, identify with in their hearts, or that symbolize the best aspects of life in this country.
We're open to many kinds of images, but here's a sampling to get you started:
- Family picnics
- Cowboys
- Beautiful scenery
- Picturesque churches and synagogues
- Scenes from urban parks or other city gathering places
- Softball games or other sports
- Ethnic festivals (St. Patrick's parades, mariachi bands, Indian dances, etc.)
- Stock car races
- Hot dogs and apple pie
- Colorful urban street scenes
- Parents reading to children
- Tail fins on great old 1950s cars
- Dogs
- Farm scenes
- Parents teaching children to shoot
- Hunting scenes
- Fun nightlife
- Craftspeople at work (both male and female)
- Fireworks, flags and other patriotic images
- Revolutionary War re-enactments, Minutemen
Again, we do NOT need leads to commercial photo sources. We've researched those, and while we've found many "stock" photos that would work, we'd rather give JPFO supporters a chance to contribute to "Innocents Betrayed." This will add a personal touch to the production and will also make more efficient use of our donors' contributions.
If you think you can help, please read the section HOW TO SUBMIT MATERIAL.
1. If you believe you have photos or documents that would work in either of the above categories SEND US A BRIEF E- MAIL DESCRIPTION of the item(s). You may also send small, low-resolution graphics files, if you have them. DO NOT send any actual documents, prints, or large graphics files unless we request them.
2. Send your description by Tuesday, January 21 to
3. If we request your material, photographic prints must be 8 x 10 (we can make allowances for old family photos, which can be smaller). Graphic files should meet the following description: tiff or targa, 720 x 486 pixels, 72 dpi, RGB mode. (We can do file conversions, but the image must be large enough not to blur when shown full screen.)
4. For photographs that show identifiable people, we must have either a signed model release (we can supply a form for this) or, in the case of family portraits in which the members are deceased, written permission of one of the descendants to use the image.
5. Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership cannot be responsible for photos or documents that are sent without prior arrangement.
6. We cannot guarantee to use any image, document, or story in the documentary. The final selection will be made by the producers and editors. People submitting material that is included in "Innocents Betrayed" will be paid $25 plus agreed-upon costs of reproduction and mailing, and will have their names listed among the suppliers of images at the end of the documentary.
Thanks for helping with this important freedom project!
For a donation of $250 (individual) or $1,000 (group or company) you can become a member of the "Innocents Betrayed" Producers Circle and receive a credit at the end of the film. For more information or to sign up as a donor at any level, go to
If you haven't yet seen the stunning clip of the opening sequence of "Innocents Betrayed," you can also view that atPrepare to be bowled over.
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