JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
September 25, 2002 JPFO Announces Five New Translations of the BoR
JPFO Announces Five New Translations of the BoR
Wouldn't it be great to travel across international borders with your self-protection tools at your side?
Or to go anywhere without having government agents steal your stuff?
Or to know that your son could roam in a far-off land without risk of being thrown in jail for years on trumped-up or undisclosed charges?
Or to breathe a sigh of relief that citizens of other countries were keeping dictators in check, so that American governments (or the U.N.) wouldn't try to be the policemen of the world?
All these hopes -- and many more -- would come true if the Bill of Rights were known, adopted, and enforced throughout the world.
We admit this is a big, and seemingly distant, dream -- especially in this time when America, the very home of freedom, is abandoning the protections of the Bill of Rights. But as they say, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
And here's an easy step you can take, along with JPFO, to spread freedom around the world. Go to
and check out the five new translations of the Bill of Rights we've just posted on the Web site.
The new languages are:
- Hebrew
- Arabic
- Japanese
- Korean
- Chinese
These join the English, French, Spanish, German, and Russian versions of the Bill already posted. Each translation contains the full BoR. Most also contain the preamble and a simple modern-language explanation of the protection each article gives to individuals. (Soon all of our BoR translations will be revised to include these features.)
Maybe you speak only English. But we'll bet you have friends, in the U.S. or in other countries, who speak one of the other nine languages. Or you know of foreign-language Web sites, newspapers, or magazines whose readers really need to get the universal message of the Bill of Rights.
Just take a few minutes. Do one or more of the following:
- Send the URL to a foreign-language political Web site and encourage them to link to it or post the documents to their own pages.
- E-mail the URL or a copy of one of the translations to a friend in another country.
- Print out the applicable translation and take or send it to the foreign-language newspaper in your community.
- Tell the language teachers and students at your local high school or college about this new resource. (Help them learn both a new language and a new set of principles at the same time.)
- Use the documents as teaching aids for your own homeschooled children.
- Print them as flyers and leave them at community centers or businesses patronized by speakers of one of the nine languages.
- Distribute them before or during your local Bill of Rights Day celebration.
Even if we can't change the world overnight by creating an instant Bill of Rights culture, think about some of the impacts we can have by spreading these translations of this great document:
- You'll encourage "multicultural-Americans" to value the traditions on which this country was based. This will help end the "balkanization" of the U.S. and curb the spread of the bogus belief that "all philosophies are equal." You may inspire immigrants to learn English so they can explore even more of the historic documents of liberty.
- You'll spread the "meme" (the "memory gene") of freedom around the world, where it may help begin freedom movements a year, 10 years, or 100 years from now.
- By raising Bill of Rights awareness in your community, you'll have better, more effective Bill of Rights Day celebrations.
- And by raising consciousness about the simple, fundamental principles of freedom everywhere, you'll give yourself and your children that much more of a chance to live free.
In the long term, if the Bill of Rights were known and respected the world over (even if it wasn't enacted into law), horrors like the World Trade Center attacks or the genocides in Germany or Rwanda or Cambodia would be far less likely to be planned or tolerated.
The Bill of Rights is an embodiment of the truth that ALL men and women are endowed with certain inalienable rights. Americans are the ones who fought the hardest to keep those rights from being abused. The rights are a gift -- but a gift we have to earn the right to enjoy. The best thing we can do now -- aside from enforcing the great Bill in our own country -- is inspire the rest of the world to value, fight for, and live by, those words of freedom.
Do it now. The more freedom we can spread, the better off we'll be.
For another simple -- and highly enjoyable! -- way of spreading the Bill of Rights message, listen to the new CD, "I Will Live Free." This compilation of freedom songs, created just for JPFO by noted songwriter Dan Starr, can help you win hearts and minds and will give you hours of pleasure and inspiration. Check it out and hear song samples at
All Bill of Rights translations are copyright © 2002 by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. But we urge you to distribute them as widely as you wish, as long as you don't make any changes to them.
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