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June 13, 2002 Should the Freedom Pledge Replace the Pledge to the Flag?
On Memorial Day, when JPFO released The Freedom Pledge (, we suggested that this new, more action-oriented pledge be recited after the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
The response has been great. It included these two suggestions from prominent freedom activists:
"I like the idea of alternating this with the Pledge of Allegiance. ... I would encourage people to put this before groups they attend so that more and more people will consider the importance of our Bill of Rights."
--Larry Pratt, Gun Owners of America"On June 20, 1985, the Ninety-Ninth Congress passed and President Reagan signed Public Law 99-54 recognizing the PAUSE FOR THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE as part of National Flag Day activities. The National Flag Day Foundation says 'No matter where you are on Flag Day, June 14th at 7:00 p.m. please stand and face an American Flag and say just thirty one words -- The Pledge of Allegiance.' ... Aaron [Zelman] and Claire [Wolfe] say the Freedom Pledge is NOT supposed to 'replace the Pledge of Allegiance,' but this year, on Flag of Freedom Day 2002, I think it's appropriate."
--Mary Lou Seymour ("Freedom Action of the Week" do YOU think? Should The Freedom Pledge replace the flag pledge, in at least some cases?
Go to JPFO ( to read The Freedom Pledge and give us your opinion.
FLAG DAY IDEAS: Mary Lou Seymour suggests flying the Gadsden rattlesnake flag this Flag Day, June 14. Its "Don't Tread on Me message reflects a true American spirit of resistance to tyranny. That's a great idea. If you don't have a Gadsden flag, fly the American flag upside down. This is a traditional signal of distress -- and America is certainly in distress, now more than ever.
The Liberty Crew
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