JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
March 27, 2002 JPFO Updates
1. The Liberty Crew wishes all our members a joyous Holiday Season. May true Americans take time to bless the Almighty and all that is bestowed upon America.
2. Paladin Press is supporting our TV documentary project and is offering free catalogs to all who receive mailings and alerts from JPFO. (Please call 1-800-392-2400 or visit their website at to obtain a catalog offering over 800 books and videos of interest to all gun owners.)
3. Many people have asked if they could donate $25 monthly to our TV documentary project (for a total of at least $250) so they would be listed in the film credits as members of the Producer's Circle. We are now set up to accommodate you. We can bill you monthly on your credit/debit card, accept checks or money orders, or receive the funds in whatever way is convenient for you. Just contact us to make arrangements.
4. Please remember: To ensure delivery of the Sarah Gilbert tee-shirts by Mother's Day, we must have the order by April 2, 2002. See
The Liberty Crew
Are you a member of JPFO? See for information, forms, and links you can use to become a member!
Life Membership: $500 or $41.67/month for 12 months.
Annual Membership: $20
A New Special Offer: If you join JPFO (or renew your membership) for a Two-Year period, we will send you a free JPFO Logo lapel pin, or a Bill of Rights Day lapel pin. See the pins!
NEW! Gun clubs can become JPFO affiliates for only $40 annual dues. Affiliate with both JPFO and CCOPS at the same time: only $59.95! Call for details. 1-800-869-1884
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