JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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March 5, 2002 BOHICA: Whose Side is the NRA On?
By now you've probably heard the story of Jack Weigand, a Pennsylvania gunsmith and president of the American Pistolsmiths Guild. Dell Computer Corporation canceled his order for a laptop because they decided the words "combat handguns" on his letterhead meant he was a terrorist.
Dell's PR team - having watched K-Mart and Smith & Wesson go down the tubes when Second Amendment advocates boycotted them - rushed to swear that the company is absolutely not anti-gun.
There's plenty of evidence to indicate that Dell Computer IS anti-gun. Some of that evidence is spelled out in a March 4, 2002, Washington Post "Newsbytes" article ( In addition to thinking that a gunsmith is automatically a terrorist, Dell prohibits legally carried handguns on its property, and has refused to do business with a well-known gun-owners' group, the Montana Shooting Sports Association.
But an even worse message is signaled by the title of the Washington Post article: "NRA Takes Dell's Side In Dispute With Gunsmith."
Yes, the National Rifle Association - once again desperately seeking common ground and compromise with the enemies of freedom - simply ignores the weight of the evidence. They ignore Weigand's story and all of Dell's other anti-gun, anti-freedom policies. They defend Dell by noting that the computer company participates in affinity programs that allow computer purchasers to contribute to pro-gun groups and conservative organizations, as well as victim disarmament groups like Handgun Control, Inc. (now The Brady Campaign).
Take a look at the evidence. You judge whether Dell is as neutral as the NRA claims or whether it supports the other side. Then ask yourself whose side the NRA supports.
All these years of begging gun owners to be politically active, urging millions of us to contribute money to the supposedly pro-gun NRA - and what has it bought us? An organization that bends over backwards to make excuses for anti-gunners (and even helps put some of them in office and helps them write anti-gun legislation).
The NRA is actually undermining the efforts and credibility of gun owners and gun-rights activists. By supporting Dell - a company that deserves the Smith & Wesson treatment if any company ever did - they've made gun activists look like weak, compromising fools who don't have to be taken seriously.
This is BOHICA ( at its most obvious. If you really care about gun rights, don't give your support to groups that are selling you down the river.
Recently, JPFO asked you to help fund our television documentary, "Innocents Betrayed." ( You showed the spirit of freedom at its best, adding more than $3,000 to our production fund in a mere 72 hours. As momentum builds for this film, we're going to keep asking those of you who haven't already given to make your financial commitment. Because of this fiasco with the NRA and Dell, because of this slap in the face to all gun owners, a ringing pro-gun documentary is needed more than ever. Only a project like this - a powerful film designed to help change the hearts and minds of people like company owner Michael Dell - can bring back the Bill of Rights.
We must create a Bill of Rights culture in this country. Politics alone - especially NRA-style politics of compromise - won't get us anywhere. At least, not anywhere we should ever want to go.
The Liberty Crew
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