JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
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February 13, 2002 Be The Last of the BOHICANS
Work smarter, not harder, to save freedom:
BE THE LAST OF THE BOHICANSRestoring our Second Amendment rights is an uphill battle, no doubt about it. Even with a "favorable" administration in office, we’re not gaining back even one of the rights we’ve lost.
Restoring any American freedom looks even harder when our fellow citizens are crying for a "secure" police state and legislators are all-too-eager to give them one.
But we CAN win back freedom. And YOU can have a major impact in that effort.
The key:
- Open our eyes.
- Recognize that we’ve been "hypnotized and Jenningized" and conned into playing in a rigged game.
- Stop playing.
- Do something that actually promotes and strengthens freedom.
Nearly everything you were ever taught about the value of political action, nearly -- every lesson you ever learned about your responsibilities as a citizen -- is false. We’ve been conned into the politics of BOHICA -- bend over, here it comes again -- instead of effective action.
Learn the nature of this con and what you can do about it in:
By Aaron Zelman and Claire WolfeTHE BOTTOM LINE IS THIS: You can free yourself from the con and become more effective. Or you can go on being a mark in the big game of politics-as-usual and help America meet its doom.
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