JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
January 24, 2002 Great News to Share with JPFO members & supporters --Pass The Word!
Our newest book, Death by "Gun Control", received the Freedom Book of the Month Award from Free-Market.Net.
The review that accompanies the Award announcement says:
"Death by Gun Control ... may be the best [anti-victim disarmament] book to share with your friends who don't "get it." Unlike certain other gun organizations, JPFO doesn't mess around with useless defenses of "sporting arms" or acquiescence in "reasonable measures." The line in the sand is drawn against any infringement of the human right to keep and bear arms, and the case that Zelman and Stevens make is both irrefutable and guaranteed to elicit a second look from any open mind."
Read the whole review at:
More good news!
Larry Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, interviewed co-author Richard Stevens on the nationally syndicated radio show, "Live Fire" in December.
Click on the link below, and look for the show on the main page or in the archives section for December 22, 2001. You can hear the one-hour program on your computer's speakers. Larry and Richard discuss a variety of issues and ideas that go to the heart of the right to keep and bear arms.
[The whole interview can be downloaded and saved on your computer for later use as well.]
Click on:
Don't have your copy yet? Order Death by "Gun Control": The Human Cost of Victim Disarmament book via the JPFO website at:
Only $16.95 postage paid (in U.S.; other nations, slightly more)
The Liberty Crew
P.S.: Will your name appear in the credits of our documentary film project, Innocents Betrayed? That's the documenary based on the Death by "Gun Control" book.
Find out how you can join the Producer's Circle -- click on
"JPFO's new documentary film, Innocents Betrayed, might well be the stake in the heart of victim disarmament that destroys the 'gun control' myth and helps restore the fundamental human right of self-defense in America, and beyond."
--Louis James
President, The Henry Hazlitt Foundation
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Check out the Bill of Rights Pistol following Bill of Rights Limited Edition Pistols have been sold and are no longer available:
Standard BoR Commemorative: Proof, #1, #10, #35, #64, #82, #100
JPFO BoR Commemorative: #1, #2, #18, #100
See our special on the Photon Micro-Light II Personal Flashlight and many other useful items:
4-cents per minute long distance
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