JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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Hartford, WI 53027Phone (800) 869-1884
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January 11, 2002 JPFO Gets "WIRED" Into a Vast, New Audience
"Thirty miles south of Florida's Cape Canaveral lies the town of Melbourne, home to the Action Gun pistol range, where, on a balmy Thursday afternoon, James Ray stands calmly firing round after Glock 9-mm round at a photocopied image of Adolf Hitler. Ray supplied the target himself. He purchased it on the Web site of one of his favorite nonprofit organizations (Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership), and its ideological content is not what you'd call subtle: Against the background of a standard ring target, the Führer stands in full Sieg heil mode, his arm up high and his sternum right in the bull's eye, above a caption that reads all in favor of gun control raise your right hand. By the time Ray has had enough of the Glock, the target is nicely perforated. Then he picks up his .44 Magnum hand cannon and blows Adolf pretty much to bits."
Those are the opening lines of "In Gold We Trust" by Julian Dibbell. This article, which prominently features JPFO's poster, appears in the January 2002 issue of Wired magazine. Thanks to liberty lovers like Jim Ray, JPFO's civil rights message has just reached another 500,000 people.
The article is about e-gold
the hard-money, Internet-based currency you can use to buy books, posters, knives, greeting cards, Gran'pa Jack booklets, and other freedom-oriented merchandise from JPFO. E-gold accounts are free and very easy to open, and you're doing your bit to support gold and silver money, as well as supporting your Second Amendment rights.
You can buy your own copies of our famous Adolph Hitler target (designed by artist Garn Turner) -- with e-gold or another method of your choice -- at the JPFO Store
Just click on the link and select "Targets." Our U.N. target is also popular. If you're more interested in displaying than destroying our gun-control Hitler, click on "Posters," and you'll find another version of him there.
The Liberty Crew
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