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September 21, 2001 Free Congress Foundation Establishes Online Petition
We are passing on this Alert from our sister organization CCOPS:
CCOPS has received the following message from the Free Congress Foundation:
The Free Congress Foundation's Coalition for Constitutional Liberties is establishing a website with an online petition to President Bush in support of our civil liberties and constitutional rights. It can be found at
I strongly urge Coalition members to go to the website, sign the petition and forward this to everyone you know!
"After this horrendous series of attacks our new FBI Director has suggested that we may have to limit some of our freedoms in order to deal with terrorists. The truth is that if we further emasculate our Constitution the terrorists will have achieved the greatest victory imaginable. Their triumph won't just be the thousands of people they killed, the triumph will be if they see our democratic institutions crumble." -- Paul Weyrich,
Free Congress Foundation thinks America is strong enough to protect our freedoms and to defeat the terrorists. That is why Free Congress is proudly joining the new coalition, In Defense of Freedom. We do so with the desire to help President Bush and our nation's lawmakers to chart the right course that ensures the terrorists and the governments that harbor them will receive their just due while making sure what has always been special about America remains as strong as ever.
The petition is a project of the Free Congress Foundation's Coalition for Constitutional Liberties.
For more information on the Coalition:
To Make a Tax-Deductible Contribution to this effort, please designate your contribution to the Free Congress Foundation's Coalition for Constitutional Liberties. Use our safe, secure online form. Click here:
Forwarded FYI by The Liberty Crew
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