JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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September 14, 2001 Only In Decency and Justice Will America Remain Free
There have been scattered cases of Americans attacking Muslim people and mosques in the U.S. after the September 11 terror bombing attack on New York and Washington, D.C.
JPFO strongly condemns any such violence against innocent people upon our territory.
Americans remain faithful to their creed, and keep these things in mind:
1. The Bill of Rights ensures freedom of religion for everybody.
2. Insulting and attacking Muslims, Arabian-looking people, etc. in America without just cause will lower Americans to the level of the terrorists, and will bring "tighter government controls" that can only damage the Bill of Rights for all of us.
3. We face two dangers as a nation:
a. The terrorists are alive, well, and can use any weapon against us whenever they get the will and the chance, and
b. The ratcheting up of federal government power in response to the terrorist attacks.
On the first point, JPFO hopes that President Bush and the federal government will do their Constitutional duty to defend America by whatever means necessary against the foreign aggressors.
On the second point, we must realize that the socialism that FDR imposed on the U.S. because of the "emergency" of the Depression and then World War II has never been repealed. If we allow America to become a different and less free country because of our anger at the terrorist attack, then we will likely never get our liberties back.
Fellow Americans and visitors, who might be Muslim or from the Middle East, are not our enemies. Only the evil ideas and evil people endanger our lives and our liberties.
We recall that because of the "emergency" of war against Imperial Japan, our fellow American citizens of Japanese ancestry were rounded up and interned for months and years. The relocation of the Japanese (and Germans and Italian citizens in smaller numbers) was not proved necessary at the time, and history has shown it was a huge injustice.
We must not even approach that kind of unjust and unconstitutional behavior as a nation again.
JPFO calls upon all Americans to uphold the highest standards of decency toward all innocent persons on our soil. It's vital that America remains both a decent and just nation, and also a free nation.
We remain free when we hold dear the words and the principles of the Bill of Rights ... and not trade those rights for temporary security ... and not deny those rights to anyone in America.
The Liberty Crew
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