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December 2, 2000 Bill of Rights Day Proclaimed in Provo, Utah and Thermopolis, Wyoming!
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Subject: Provo, Utah Bill of Rights Day
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 17:48:32 -0700I delivered the proclamations from California, New Jersey, and the original city in Washington to the Mayor's Office. I received a phone call this afternoon stating that the city would have a BORD on the 15th.
Thanks so much for the well presented information.
Will Christensen
Utah State Chairman
Independent American Party* * *
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 14:11:50 -0700
Subject: Bill of Rights Day in WyomingIt is my cheerful duty to inform JPFO that the town of Thermopolis, Wyoming, officially adopted a Bill of Rights Day resolution on November 7, 2000.
I am attaching a draft of the resolution as it was passed by the Town Council. The Resolution is attested by Larry Baker, Mayor, and Sharon Basse, Town Clerk.
My next effort will be to contact our representative, Mike Baker, and ask him if he would submit something similar to the Legislature in Cheyenne.
As you can see, I took the California resolution as my model. I did add a clause about Wyoming's own Bill of Rights.
Charles Curley
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This is a splendid example of what grass-roots efforts can achieve! Why not try it where YOU live? For more information about Bill of Rights day, see:
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