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Bullets to Save Ballots Honorable Mention
Alternate Endings:
Recollections of Life Under a Constitutional Government
By Christopher de Armani
Christopher di Armani lives in Lytton, BC, Canada, with his two dogs, Koda and Tuco. He's an avid IDPA and IPSC shooter, reloader, computer programmer, writer, documentary film-maker and alleged recluse. When not playing on the mountain with his dogs, he also works in the Props department on movies filmed in Vancouver.His believes strongly in the "freedom of the individual", which has long been his inspiration for articles, stories and scripts speaking out against bureaucratic tyranny. He can be contacted at christopher@diArmani.com
How would today's America be different if politician's feared citizens,rather than citizen's fearing their government?Imagine, if you will, the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave. Whereindividual rights meant something, and every citizen believed they had theright, nay, the duty, to stand up to any and all aggressors, foreign anddomestic. You know, just like the Constitution says.
You've never heard of Ruby Ridge, although Vicky Weaver is alive and well,raising her children with husband Randy. They live in their secludedhome, their lives unhindered by government intrusion. Randy occasionallydoes work on people's firearms, and has a fine collection of his own. Hehunts deer to put steaks on the table for his family. They live, all inall, a fine, if humble life.
Lon Horiuchi? Never heard of him. Although my cousin says there's thisguy in Santa Monica flipping burgers. Thinks that might be him. Soundsabout right.
There's this place down near Waco Texas, Mount Carmel to be exact. Aquaint little town, with a religious group living nearby in a smallhomestead. They keep to themselves, and the townspeople do thesame. David Koresh and his followers devote their days to studying thebible as they understand it, raising their children, and enjoying all thatlife has to offer.
Yes, they have quite a few guns. So what? Doesn't everybody?
In Oklahoma, there is no Murrah Building, nor has it ever been blownup. It was never built, since the government, living true to theConstitution, had no need for it.
They didn't need a place to house the BATF. Or the FBI, or a whole hostof other "alphabet-soup" agencies. They don't exist.
It's part of why Randy and Vicky Weaver are alive and well, raising theirchildren in the wilderness of Idaho.
It's why David Koresh is alive and well, living in Waco, Texas.
Timothy McVeigh? A funny sort of guy, served his time (mandatory) in thearmy, and joined the local militia upon his return from training. Youknow, just like every other able-bodied American, aged twelve toforty-five, does. He never went overseas. American armed forces don't dothat. America doesn't believe in sending US soldiers to die someoneelse's country, for someone else's ideals.
Americans fight and die for one thing and one thing only: TheConstitution. You know, like those fine boys down in Athens, Tennesseedid, on a hot August night back in '46. Damned fine thing the Presidentdid, making August 1st "Athens Day", in honor of them. Damned fine.
So McVeigh never felt the need to blow up a federal building inOklahoma. He didn't feel the urge to take revenge on a government out ofcontrol, because he'd never heard of Randy Weaver. Or David Koresh. Oreven Waco, Texas, for that matter.
Janet Reno? I think she teaches 2nd grade in Skokie, Illinois. At least,last time anyone heard of her, that's where she was. Damn fine withlittle kids, they say.
Elian Gonzales?
Very sad, his mother drowning like that. Thank God his grandmothers werewilling, like all good grandparents, to raise the boy. Anyway, he grew upto be a fine man. Him and his wife Juanita raised a couple of kids, oneof whom is running for Governor of Florida. They tell me the smart moneysays he'll win.
No, not because his father had an MP5 shoved in his face when he was fiveyears old. Never happened. No, Elian is one of the finest gunsmiths inAmerica. People come from all over to purchase his firearms.
There was no government raid on his grandmother's home. There wasn't anFBI to raid the place. Besides, the kid hadn't done anything wrong. Hecame to America with his mother of his own free will. Like folks from allover the world still do.
Because this is the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave.
This is a land where a man can do as he pleases, without fear ofpersecution from any person, much less any government. Where when thegovernment gets out of line, the people are ready, willing and able to putit back in its place.
There's what some refer to as "this crazy old guy" living in a small townin New England. Lives in a tar-paper shack down by the water. Shot acouple of sheriffs and a judge some time back. Guess they tried tellinghim what he could and could not do with his own land.
See, there'd been a flood. Damn thing ripped away 80 feet of his propertyand washed it away. Bloody bureaucrats tried telling him he couldn't dumpa bunch of rocks and dirt there to restore his property to its originalsize. Wrote a damned bylaw and everything, just to make it look all"legal".
Damned judge signed an order for him to remove his property restorationproject, or they'd seize his home, sell it and toss him out onto the street.
Needless to say, old Carl was none too happy with any of them bureaucrats.
So the cops, they pissed him off one day. Pulled him over to harass himin the supermarket parking lot.
Well, Carl's no spring chicken, neither's his truck. Little ding in thefender here, a few rust holes there. So what? Cops pulled him over toticket him for the rust holes.
Well, I guess those boys learned their lesson, didn't they? Old Carlkilled them both, went and whacked the judge who signed the order, anddrove home. Made himself a pot of chili, so the story goes.
Couple of neighbors came over to talk with old Carl. Said it wasn't rightto go killing a judge or the local sheriffs, although they sure understoodwhy he did. Said they figure they'd have done the same of the judge hadtried telling them they couldn't restore flood damage on their property,too.
The new sheriff? The one sworn in to replace the one left dead in theparking lot? He went to visit old Carl. Made a fine display of leavinghis sidearm in his car before coming onto Carl's property. Guess I wouldhave too, if Carl's M-16 was pointed at my chest. Anyways, theyapparently had a good chat. Sheriff said there'd be no more hassling himabout the riverbank. Carl said that was fine; there'd likely be no moredead sheriffs, either. Story goes they shook hands and have left eachother alone ever since.
In Las Vegas is this guy with a funny name. Polish, I think. He's awriter. Does lots of newspaper articles on freedom, the rights of theindividual. Vin, I think his name is. Friends do not call him Vinny,though. Not unless they want a cuff across the ear, that is. Damn finewriter though. His books are best-sellers, and a couple of them arerequired reading in university.
I guess they could be required reading in school. Probably are. Hard totell though, since so many schools are really nothing more than a spareroom in someone's home.
Of COURSE folks educate the kids at home. What are you, daft? There'salways one parent kicking around, and usually a grandparent or four as well.
Back in the 1800's, the prairies had one-room school-houses, paid for bythe residents of the town. Not much has changed, in that respect. Sometowns still do that.
The city? They tried building schools and hiring teachers. Didn't getvery far. People got their knickers into quite a knot when the city triedpassing a bylaw and a tax to pay for it all. Couple of city councilorsand the mayor got shot, if I recall. Served the bastards right, trying tobring that communist youth propaganda crap into this county.
The shooters? Nobody's heard from them since. No need, I guess, sincethe city government never tried that crap again.
People have all kinds of cars, some fancy, some not. This place inCalifornia tried issuing a "drivers license" scheme some time back. Thinkthose state politicians got a taste of lead, just like those citycouncilors with the school thing. Damn good riddance, too.
School speed zones? What the hell's that? You gonna make people slow down just because there's a couple of kids on the road?
Don't you think you ought to teach the kids to watch for cars before theycross the road? You know, like any responsible parent does?
Whoa, what are you saying? How do one of the parents afford to stay athome? What are you, stupid? Every family has one parent at home.
Taxes? What taxes? Government only does a few things. Doesn't takemuch. Most folks just pay the bill once a year. Never amounts to morethan a few hundred dollars. Just as it should be. Hell, most folks getresentful at that much. Makes sense, I guess, given we founded the damncountry over a tax on tea.
Since then, government on this side of the pond hasn't seen much sense inpissing off the people. Sure, some try now and then. There's always somepetty jerk who thinks he can tell someone else what to do. But they neverlast. Sure, folks put up with them for a while, just like you do with arash or a runny nose.
But after a little while folks get tired of the whining and crying thepetty jerks make when people won't do what he figures they ought to. Thepetty ones get a little too uppity, and someone smacks himdown. Sometimes, it takes only a little slap across the face to bring thepetty jerks to their senses.
Sometimes, someone like old Carl grabs the rifle off the wall, slaps afull mag in, and says, "Time to teach these bastards a lesson."
Damn, if that doesn't work every time.
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