Brasco (TM) The Liberty Bear Coloring/Story Book
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
Brasco TM The Liberty Bear Coloring/Story Book
by Erik Zelman, Patriot
Age 11Click for a large image of The Cover.
Click to see a sample page: M is for MURDER
"Inoculate" your children from the anti-gun lies being taught as education in our schools and in Mass Media. Brasco TM the Liberty Bear makes learning about Firearms Safety fun! Read what others have said about this GREAT way to stop the "rights destroyers" from seducing our children.
The Brasco TM coloring book is an excellent educational tool for introducing children to the subjects of firearms safety, the Bill of Rights, and the threat to our liberties posed by those who advocate "gun control". All parents who care about the future they will leave their children should purchase Brasco TM for their children.
Daniel J. Schultz, President & Co-founder
The Lawyers Second Amendment Society
Only Brasco TM the Liberty Bear, teaches our kids Firearms Safety, The Alphabet, Numbers and even the special meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance, all in one neat fun to color and read booklet. Brasco TM is a fun way to save the Second Amendment. Every Child in America needs a copy.
Larry Pratt, President
Gun Owners of America
Dear Mr. Zelman,
Your Son's splendid Brasco TM book just arrived and I find it another excellent but valuable tool our future citizens so badly need in order to understand this collectivism being forced upon us.
As a combat infantry Veteran in Europe, I am tickled that you have included A respect for their service. It's truly most gratifying.
John Hooper, Member
29th Division Association
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