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It’s Here: UN Small Arms Conference Plans
For Worldwide Gun Registration, ConfiscationBy Richard W. Stevens
Have gun owners already forgotten the United Nations?
No longer merely a doing-something-overseas-somewhere annoyance, the UN has jumped right into the backyards of Americans, particularly firearms owners. It happened at the UN Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms in July 2001.
First, to understand what happened, we must understand the UN buzz words:
• "Small Arms" means rifles, shotguns and pistols -- privately owned or otherwise.
• "Illicit Trade" means any manufacturing, transporting, transferring, selling or buying of firearms without government permission.Now we can decode the title. It actually was the UN Conference on Government Regulation and Prohibition of Private Firearms Ownership.
Second, we must recognize what the governments agreed to do. According to the Conference’s published Action Programme, all of the attending nations were "convinced of the need for global commitment to a comprehensive approach to promote the prevention, reduction and eradication of the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons as a contribution to international peace and security."
Translation: the nations agreed to a worldwide program of "gun control."
Third, we must know what the nations plan to do. Under the Action Programme, each nation will:
• Mandate marking of every firearm manufactured.
• Gather "comprehensive and accurate records" about every aspect of private firearms possession: the manufacturing, the ownership, and the buying, trading, transferring and selling of all guns.
• Keep in government possession all firearms ownership and transaction records "for as long as possible."
• Destroy all firearms that each government might seize or confiscate, (unless the government chooses to keep the weapons for its own purposes).
Translation: Governments will register and track every firearm and every firearm owner in the world; confiscation and destruction of privately owned firearms to follow when the current regimes so decide.
Fourth, we must know how the governments intend to implement their worldwide "gun control" plans. At the Conference they agreed to:
• Enact "adequate laws" to "exercise effective control" over all transfers of firearms.
• "Establish national coordination agencies" to enforce the gun prohibition laws, and to "prevent, combat and eradicate the illicit trade" in firearms by "tracing, ... collection and destruction of small arms and light weapons."
• "Identify groups and individuals engaged in the illegal manufacture, trade, ... transfer, [or] possession ... of illicit small arms" and to prosecute such groups and individuals.
• Interconnect national police agencies to exchange information with other governments, the World Customs Organization and the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol), so that national governments can more easily identify, locate and prosecute persons who violate gun prohibition laws anywhere.
Translation: The nations’ police forces, using world police agency resources, will actively cooperate to track down and prosecute firearms law violators.
Fifth, we must never forget who is regulating whom. The Conference plan pushes "democratic" countries to help military dictatorships and communist slave states in preventing resistance to tyranny.
Nothing the Conference did would discourage evil and despotic governments from gaining power and killing their own people. Yet it is such evil governments who have killed more innocent unarmed citizens than all the wars and common criminal violence combined.
Where did the United States stand at the Conference? John Bolton, Undersecretary of State, spoke strongly for the right to keep and bear arms. Mr. Bolton affirmed that private firearms ownership is an individual right and a check on dangerous governments. He did, however, say that the U.S. favors the concept of international control of "military" weapons.
Because the U.S. delegation would not give up entirely the individual right to keep and bear arms, the Conference could not adopt a blanket declaration against private firearms ownership. That’s good news, but it isn’t much to celebrate. The Conference’s Action Programme moves the world, including the U.S., directly toward a UN-sponsored world "gun control" system.
It is now official: the UN and its member states have declared their plan to implement gun registration and prohibition worldwide. (Read the plan: www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2001/DC2795.doc.htm)
Gun owners must get educated and take action. Start by ordering the powerful Gran’pa Jack booklet "The UN is Killing Your Freedoms" to learn how the UN endangers Americans’ precious rights -- most especially our gun rights. Distribute copies of this article and the booklet to every member of every gun club in America.
Save money -- order bundles of booklets, only $20.00 for 50 copies; $38 for 100 copies. To speed delivery, JPFO pays the postage. Call (800) 869-1884 or click on www.jpfo.org. Annual membership is still only $20, tax deductible.
New book: Death By Gun Control: The Human Cost of Victim Disarmament ($16.95 postage paid –order now)
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